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Earth-Spanning Telescope Takes Unprecedented Image of Black Hole Spewing Radiation

Earth-Spanning Telescope Takes Unprecedented Image of Black Hole Spewing Radiation

Zoom in on the jet with the black hole and watch it in different radio wavelengths reveals more detailed structures. Statue: J.Y. Kim, Boston University Blazar program and the EHT collaboration. (MPIfR) A worldwide network of telescopes has produced an image of a beam of radio waves that seems to come out the center of … Read more

Terrifying Things Happen When an AI Generates Fake Faces Synced to Music

Terrifying Things Happen When an AI Generates Fake Faces Synced to Music

We are still trying to identify the best applications for neural networks, machine learning and all recent advances in artificial intelligence. Among all Practical research there are many frivolous experiments be done with results that cross the line fascinating and terrifying. Automated image processing has emerged as a strong combination of artificial neural networks, fueled … Read more

Fossilized Vomit and Feces Are Delighting Paleontologists

Fossilized Vomit and Feces Are Delighting Paleontologists

The fossilized vomit.Photo: Courtesy Caleb Gordon Fossil skeletons tell us a lot about extinct species; without them we would not be able to merge the old life. However, equally important are the fossils that may not immediately capture our imagination, awe us or even be recognizable to non-paleontologists. The traces an animal has made in … Read more

This Professional Cosplayer Showcases Her Transformation Into The Witcher's Renfri

Renfri and Geralt, The Witcher.Statue: Netflix Authentic cosplay takes a lot of work. It’s an incredible art, similar to professional costumes, except done by hobbyists and fans, some of whom get paid for it, but mostly by people who just really … like it. In a new video, a cosplayer shows how to transform into … Read more