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How do I know who owns the fence? Boundary rules and responsibilities explained

With the UK being hit by storms bringing strong winds and heavy rain, there’ll be a lot of people wondering what exactly they can do about repairing a broken fence.

More to the point, they’ll be wondering just whose responsibility it is to get that fence repaired – theirs or their neighbour’s. These disputes can be the cause of much frustration and argument between neighboring families.

So, how do you know who owns which fence – and whose responsibility is it to get the fence repaired in the event of it being damaged?

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How do I know who owns the fence?

To determine who owns a particular fence, you should start by taking a look at the relevant title plan, if you have it to hand.

If you can see a T mark on one side of the boundary, this indicates who that boundary belongs to – and whose responsibility its upkeep is.

However, there is no obligation in England and Wales to specify boundary ownership. As a result, most title plans don’t show exact boundaries, according to Gov.UK.

Also, some title plans may show a mirrored T mark on both sides of the boundary. This indicates that the boundary is the joint responsibility of you and your neighbour.

There’s no general rule about whether the fence on the left-hand or right-hand side of your property is your responsibility.

If your boundaries are unspecified on your title plan – or if you can’t find your title plan – you’ll need to check with the country registry.

You could also make a formal boundary agreement with your neighbor, so that there’s no doubt about who’s responsible for maintaining fences, walls, trees and hedges.

However, in most cases, it shouldn’t be necessary for you to have to go as far as making it formal. An informal discussion with your neighbor should generally help to clarify things.

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