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Jobs for Men but Not for Women?

Is Gender Discrimination in Employment Illegal? Congress is not sure. It passed a law on jobs for men; However, it still fluctuates over the Follow-up of Jobs for Women. The nation knows we need the improved roads, bridges, green technology, and broadband services of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act – and (coincidentally?)

However, some are unsure if we need the kind of infrastructure support that (along with other programs) is enshrined in the Build Back Better (BBB) ​​law, which includes both more than a million well-paid nursing jobs (initially mostly women) Creates as well as enables the mothers of the new children to take on jobs in all areas. In a post-BBB world, these areas could include infrastructure jobs that women have long been excluded from – mainly because of the lack of childcare that kept mothers from working full-time. Likewise, well-paid childcare facilities can attract male workers. BBB will destabilize the gender-specific work and wage system that is currently burdening us.

The wafer in childcare funding is effectively discriminatory – it denies women the same support as men – and indicates an unwillingness on the part of male lawmakers to give female voters what they have long needed and wanted. The issue is only up for voting now because women have reached a new high of 26.9 percent of the congress seats, whereby their concerns are heard afresh (even if not all 26.9 percent approve this bill). But is that enough to pass it?

Or there remains too much resistance to the age-old system of not paying women for the essential reproductive work they do for society (which needs the intelligent, cooperative workforce they raise their children to be) – a system that negatively affects everyone Phases of their lives impacting their working lives, leading to lower wages and fewer promotions throughout their lives, and denying them status and influence in all civic areas?

By monetizing this work in day-care centers, the BBB expands the work opportunities for the 29 percent of mothers of children up to 18 years of age not gainfully employed (NLF) in 2020 and the 14 percent who work part-time, and reduce the financial pressure on the 57 percent of mothers who work full-time and on fathers (8 percent NLF, 4 percent part-time , 88 percent full-time). The mothers who voluntarily stayed home still can. But if you want to work, you can stay in your job. Passing the BBB allows them to earn more while these children are young, while avoiding the wage and status cuts that women dropping out to care face. Employers will no longer underinvest in their female employees – or at least they will be denied the excuse that responsibility for childcare makes them unreliable workers.


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