Hungry man's fury at Sainsbury's sly attempt to mask mini pizza's lack of cheese

Hungry man's fury at Sainsbury's sly attempt to mask mini pizza's lack of cheese

A man has shared his anger after he claims Sainsbury’s tried to hide a missing ingredient on their mini pizzas. Tom Scott, a product designer, bought a Sainsbury’s cheese and tomato pizza and was shocked to find that the treat was almost devoid of a vital ingredient. The hungry man thinks the large frontal sticker … Read more

Apple Fined In Europe For Lack Of Payment Methods On iOS

Apple Fined In Europe For Lack Of Payment Methods On iOS

Apple: The market regulator in the Netherlands region fined Apple 5 million euros because the company did not cooperate in changing the iOS payment system. According to the TechCrunch website, the original complaint arose from a complaint from dating apps in the region, asking for alternative payment methods to be incorporated into the iPhone operating … Read more