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Were The Stimulus Checks A Mistake?

Were The Stimulus Checks A Mistake?

GETTY IMAGES Es ist noch nicht lange her, dass die US-Wirtschaft einen Schub in den Arm brauchte. Millionen von Amerikanern hatten ihre Jobs verloren während sich das Land abschaltet, um die Ausbreitung eines tödlichen Virus zu verlangsamen. Damals waren sich politische Entscheidungsträger, Anwälte und Ökonomen einig, dass die Amerikaner sofortige Hilfe brauchten – und so … Read more

Never Make This One Mistake When Cooking Oatmeal

Never Make This One Mistake When Cooking Oatmeal

Steel-cut oatmeal is a game changer. Not only are steel-cut oats majorly satiating, but they’re also very versatile and nutritious. Sure, they may take a few extra minutes to prepare than it would take you to make a microwaveable oatmeal packetbut trust us—it’s worth it. However, if you’ve ever made steel-cut oatmeal on your stovetop … Read more

Bungling dad's lunchbox mistake leaves schoolgirl 'throwing up' at school

Bungling dad's lunchbox mistake leaves schoolgirl 'throwing up' at school

A hapless father has taken to social media to share how his lunchbox mistake left his daughter “in agony”. An anonymous Redditor spoke out about an innocent mix-up which saw him accidentally sent his daughter to school with a sandwich covered in some of the hottest hot sauce there is, the Mirror reports. He wrote … Read more

Jon Stewart said musicians like Neil Young pulling their music from Spotify is an ‘overreaction’ to Joe Rogan and a ‘mistake’

Jon Stewart said musicians like Neil Young pulling their music from Spotify is an ‘overreaction’ to Joe Rogan and a ‘mistake’

“There’s no question that there is egregious misinformation that’s purposeful and hateful, and that being moderated is a credit to the platforms that run them,” Stewart said. “But this overreaction to Rogan, I think, is a mistake.”Scott Kowalchyk / CBS via Getty Images Neil Young and other musicians pulled their music from Spotify over its … Read more