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Hooters worker reveals $5 uniform tights in bathroom vending machine

Hooters worker reveals $5 uniform tights in bathroom vending machine

Hooters uniforms have previously come under fire for being too short and too skimpy, but now the infamous wings-and-women establishment is sparking outrage yet again. TikTok user @kenzjeea Hooters employee, revealed how she and fellow staffers are obligated to buy their tights worn underneath those iconic orange uniform shorts. In a now viral videoviewed over … Read more

Warning issued to parents against posting pictures of kids in school uniform online

Two school girls running through a school hall holding hands

Exploitation experts have warned parents to avoid posting pictures online of their children wearing school uniform, as it could leave them vulnerable to predators Exploitation experts say you should never post pictures of your kids in school uniform (stock image) ( Image: Getty Images) When your child starts a new school year, it can be … Read more