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Tesla Won’t Let Its Drivers Play Games While They Drive

Tesla is one of the leading automotive companies when it comes to technology. The company not only promotes the use of electric cars, but also the use of artificial intelligence to drive by everyone. However, there are countries where the use of this function is prohibited, if only because drivers do not know what is happening on the road. What’s more, some are committed to playing the games the car has, something that could eliminate the company forever.

Farewell to Tesla games

It is very comfortable to sit anywhere in the car so that it takes you where you want to go. You can even sit in the driver’s seat and only touch the steering wheel when necessary, as requested in the tesla. However, some drivers played their own car games, which is a serious problem when driving.

The fact is that acts of this kind have reached a point where an investigation has been launched into the company itself with the aim of assessing the impact of Teslas games to the attention of drivers. The fact is that the company has an application in which they offer various racing games or even solitaire or Sonic, among others in the Passenger Play function.

This can mean a pre- and post-processing in the manufacture of the company’s various devices eliminating or at least blocking this feature while the pilot sits in the driver’s seat, waiting to see what happens on the road. And it’s that even though the car works, only a quick response from the user can make the difference between avoiding an obstacle or not.

As we told you at the beginning, there are countries where the Autopilot feature is banned, so you can’t use the car with artificial intelligence. We will have to wait for the decision of Elon Musk’s company.

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