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Americans Are Worried About The Coronavirus. They’re Even More Worried About The Economy.

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Survey (s) of the week

Earlier this week, President Trump said he was considering taking steps Rollback restrictions that companies and state governments have set up to curb the corona virus. Trump referred to the economic impact of measures such as social distancing Easter Sunday as the date on which he wants the nation back at work.

Already 9 percent of Americans say they have been fired from work because of the coronavirus, and another 20 percent say that a family member has recently been fired Economist / YouGov Survey. Record-breaking 3.3 million unemployment insurance claims were filed last week. Many economists now fear a full recession. At the same time, public health officials warn that social distancing is essential to stop the spread of the coronavirus, and if we go too fast to ease the restrictions, the economic consequences could be even more devastating.

An overwhelming majority of Americans are really concerned about the economy. Last week, Nathaniel Rakich found signs of growing concern – in a survey, 84 percent of Americans said they were concerned about the economic impact of the corona virus. And the concern has increased. ON Tomorrow consult the survey Research conducted between March 20 and 22 showed that 90 percent of Americans were “very” or “somewhat” worried that the corona virus would affect the economy, an increase of 6 points over the previous year Last week. Americans are also concerned about job security – 49 percent said they were concerned about losing their jobs Economist / YouGov survey performed between March 22nd and 24th.

There appears to be no sign of a partisan split in the economy as most polls show that similar proportions are affected by Republicans and Democrats. In fact, the Morning Consult poll from March 20-22 found that 90 percent of Republicans compared to 93 percent of Democrats were concerned about the economy.

This differs from the partisan split we saw in early March between the proportion of Democrats and Republicans who said they were concerned that they or someone they knew would get COVID-19. However, as you can see in the chart below, the gap between Republicans and Democrats has narrowed as more Americans report that they are concerned.

For example a 22.-24. March Economist / YouGov survey 64 percent of Americans said they were “very” or “somewhat” concerned about experiencing the corona virus in person. This was an 8-point jump from March 15th to 17th Economist / YouGov Survey. The percentage of Republicans who said they were concerned rose 11 points from 45 percent to 56 percent. The proportion of Democrats who said they were concerned rose 3 points from 71 percent to 74 percent.

Four other surveys released this week showed that more than three fifths of Americans were either very or slightly worried that they or someone near them could develop or be exposed to the disease: Harris survey (76 percent), SurveyMonkey / Fortune (76 percent), CBS / YouGov (71 percent) and Global strategy group / GBAO / Navigator (79 percent).

The fact that more Americans are more concerned about the coronavirus impact on the economy than their own health could put pressure on politicians to boost the economy, making it more difficult for public health officials to take preventive measures such as social distancing push.

Dr. Howard Koh, professor at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, however, warned that the coronavirus response is hampered by the uncertainty surrounding the spread of the virus.

“We are disabled because the data we are currently using to track this pandemic is still incomplete. It’s better than a few weeks ago, but we’re still not in a place where everyone agrees, ”said Koh.

The United States was late Starting up testsThis doesn’t start until early March. This means that we do not yet have complete information about who is infected or how quickly the virus spreads. According to a weekly survey among infectious disease researchers in the United States, many experts agree that the situation has worsened in recent days, but the projected number of expected cases and deaths is still very different.

Koh said we need to get to the point where we can better understand the spread of the coronavirus before we can send people back to the workforce. Otherwise, we run the risk of overwhelming hospitals and healthcare workers, which may lead to even more economic difficulties.

Other choice bites

  • 57 percent of Americans estimate that they have lost at least some money from the corona virus, be it because of stock market losses, wage losses, money spent on nonrefundable travel or events, or something else YouGov survey performed March 25th. A large number of people who lost money said they had lost more than $ 1,500 – 27 percent of all respondents fell into this group. However, 28 percent said they had lost no money.
  • After a 21st-24th March Global Strategy Group / GBAO / Navigator surveyAlmost three quarters of Americans believe that the worst is yet to come when it comes to the corona virus.
  • In a newer one Business Insider / SurveyMonkey surveyRespondents were asked when they thought the coronavirus situation was over (i.e. when schools, restaurants, and businesses would reopen). Overall, 72 percent said sometime between April 1 and July 1, with the median answer falling in 67 days on June 2. The average response among Democrats was 91 days from the date of the poll (June 24), while the Republicans were somewhat more optimistic with an average response of 62 days (May 26).
  • Last week it was reported that Sens. Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler shares sold worth millions of dollars after receiving information about the coronavirus epidemic. In a (n Economist / YouGov survey Between March 22 and 24, 69 percent of registered voters, including 68 percent of Democrats and 59 percent of Republicans, returned senators who sold stocks after receiving information about the corona virus.
  • In the Democratic President’s recent main debate, former Vice President Joe Biden said he would choose a female running mate if he won the Democratic nomination. In the same Economist / YouGov poll, 80 percent of primary democratic voters said they approved Biden’s decision. The pollster also asked voters who they believed should be selected as Biden’s supporters: 27 percent said Sen. Elizabeth Warren, 18 percent said Sen. Kamala Harris, 13 percent said Sen. Bernie Sanders, and 10 percent said Sen. Amy Klobuchar.

Trump approval

According to FiveThirtyEight’s Presidential Approval Tracker, 45.3 percent of Americans support Trump’s work as President, while 50.5 percent reject it (a net approval rate of -5.2 points). At that point last week, 43.3 percent agreed and 52.6 percent declined (for a net approval rating of -9.3 points). A month ago, Trump had an approval rate of 43.2 percent and a rejection rate of 52.2 percent, which corresponds to a net approval rate of -9 points.

Generic ballot

The Democrats currently lead our average of the general congressional polls with 7.5 percentage points (48.7 percent to 41.2 percent). A week ago, the Democrats led the Republicans with 7.4 points (48.8 percent to 41.4 percent). At that time last month, voters preferred Democrats by 6.5 points (47.8 percent to 41.3 percent).

Look at everyone Survey We gathered before the 2020 elections.

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