Launching The World’s First Blockchain Phone, HTC Announces It’s Now Developing The First ‘Metaverse Phone’

It has been announced that technology company HTC is working on a metaverse-focused smart phone. The phone, the details of which have not been mentioned, will be brought together with consumers at the launch to be held next month.

Although it was once one of the most important names in the smartphone industry, HTC, which did not catch the trends over the years and moved away from the industry, made a remarkable debut. Charles Huang, who is responsible for the company’s Asia and Pacific regions, said that the company will announce a metaverse-oriented smartphone at an event next month. Huang did not elaborate on the details of the phone.

With the explanation of the HTC official, the claim boiler started to boil. According to some sources, the metaverse-oriented phone will have high-end features. However, what is meant by “high-level” here is not entirely clear. The company has been producing budget-friendly phones for a long time. The Metaverse phone can be a flagship, or it can be recorded as one of the most powerful models HTC has released recently. We will see this at the launch in April.

What can the Metaverse-focused phone offer?

A smartphone prepared for metaverse technology entering our lives at an extraordinary rate will have special optimizations for augmented and virtual reality applications. When we consider the basis of Metaverse technology, we can look at this situation as certain. Maybe HTC will release this smartphone with a piece of equipment. Unfortunately, we have nothing definite to say on this matter.

It is not yet known whether this phone will hold up when it is released. Because HTC has also announced blockchain-based smartphones in the past. These phones supported increased security, cryptocurrency wallets and blockchain applications. However, as you can imagine, it was not accepted. It is not yet known whether the Metaverse-focused phone will suffer the same fate as the blockchain phone.

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