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Campaigner Jack Monroe praises Asda for adding more SmartPrice lines

Campaigner Jack Monroe praises Asda for adding more SmartPrice lines

Campaigner Jack Monroe has praised Asda after spotting an increased number of SmartPrice choices on a recent trip to a supermarket. The mum had previously criticized the chain after saying a number of options, including peanut butter, appeared to have been removed from the line. It came as Jack’s research showed budget prices across a … Read more

How To Send WhatsApp Messages Without Adding A Contact On iOS And Android Mobiles

How To Send WhatsApp Messages Without Adding A Contact On iOS And Android Mobiles

whatsapp works through a phone number. It’s the one you use to register your account, and it’s the one you give someone when you trade so you can talk through the app. Ok, there are certain tricks to avoid giving out your number, like creating links or QR codes, but in general, we give the … Read more