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Two girls rushed to hospital after eating metal pieces hidden in birthday cake

Angry father Oscar Velez blew up a cake baker in Monterrey, Mexico after his two daughters, including the birthday boy, swallowed the metal in the cake

A father blew up a cake baker after his two daughters swallowed metal in the cake

A dad blasted a cake maker who used scraps of metal to hold a jewel cake together for a children’s birthday party – which was then eaten by the kids.

In the incident, two girls, Maria Fernanda and her sister Renata, were hospitalized after celebrating their fourth birthday in the city of Monterrey, in Mexico’s Nuevo Leon state.

Her father, Oscar Velez, now wanted to know if anyone had ever heard of pieces of metal being used in a child’s birthday cake.

He said the children assumed everything in the cake was edible and happily gobbled the metal pieces before realizing it.

A dad blasted a cake maker using bits of metal to hold together a decorative cake for a kids birthday party



Two girls were hospitalized after their fourth birthday



Speaking of the incident, he said: “How is it possible for someone dedicated to cake making to put a piece of metal to hold a candy bead in the shape of a crown, on a base of fondant in the shape of a crown and, worse , it doesn’t tell us?

“Today my daughters bit into the cake, confident that everything in it was edible and that there was no reason to believe it could contain a piece of metal.

Oscar said the children assumed everything in the cake was edible and they happily devoured the metal pieces



“They gobbled it up and now there’s metal in both of their stomachs. I’m attaching the photo of the cake as it came when it came and what the x-rays look like with the metal in my daughter’s stomachs.

“We have gone from a day of joy for my Marifer (Maria Fernanda) to now keeping her under surveillance to make sure everything is okay as we still don’t know what will happen between now and tomorrow when they take another x-ray.

The x-ray shows the metal in the stomach



“Parents, be careful with this type of cake as sometimes we don’t realize that underneath every decoration there can be something that can destroy the moment.”

Yesterday the girls still had metal in their stomachs waiting for it to pass out naturally.

Oscar has said his daughters are fine.

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