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What might the movie “Sons of Midnight” look like with Moon Knight, Blade and others

Since Moon Knight officially became part of the MCU, a fan-created concept poster combines several other existing ones miracle heroes in “Sons of Midnight

Thanks to a new concept poster, ‘Sons of Midnight’ fans are one step closer to understanding what the team might look like in Marvel’s cinematic universe. Marvel’s fourth phase has taken a leap forward by introducing some of the brand’s more niche characters and ideas, including heroes with supernatural connections like Moon Knight, and exploring creative formats in WandaVision and the upcoming Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness. Some of these characters usually operate in the shadows, but sometimes join the Avengers and get involved in major plot events, necessitating their existence in the MCU.

As the Multiverse gains momentum, magic and the weirder elements of Marvel comics get a chance to prove themselves. Even if characters like Blade and Morbius don’t get attention in the main Avengers movies, the expansion of the Marvel universe and the powerful appearance of supernatural beings mean that these characters can save the day when Captain America and his company are not around. † In the comics, Doctor Strange forms the Sons of Midnight, combining various Marvel characters with the occult to defeat Lilith, and heroes such as Moon Knight, Iron Fist, and Night Werewolf later join the team.

Now that some of the most famous members of the Sons of Midnight have officially become part of the MCU, there are rumors of a possible team alliance on the screen. Digital artist agtdesign embodies this desire in an exciting fan poster, showcasing some of the outstanding band members in the form of their live performance colleagues. The poster features Doctor Strange, Moon Knight, Blade, Ghost Rider, Morbius, Punisher and Scarlet Witch. Check out the art below:

Despite this being a cool poster, the artist takes some liberties with the team composition compared to historical comics membership. Like developer Firaxis Games’ Midnight Suns game, in which Wolverine, Iron Man, and other characters are Midnight’s sons of honor helping the main squad, agtdesign makes the Scarlet Witch and the Punisher distinct members of the team, despite never being joined in. In Greg Smallwood’s previously unreleased limited series “Sons of Midnight,” Frank Castle’s Punisher was depicted on the cover as part of the group, but the Scarlet Witch could be here because of her magical abilities and connections to Strange.

Whether the Sons of Midnight movie or TV series will ever be made depends solely on Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios, but this fan poster is a good sign that people are at least interested in property. And while the collapse of DC’s “Dark Justice League” may have been a blow to fans of edgier superhero content, Marvel seems to want to invest in those elements and give its weight to titles like “Moon Knight.” Even the star of the Disney+ show+ Oscar Isaac once became interested in the Midnight Sons team. Despite the fact that there are many characters to choose from – and they are still represented in the Marvel movie universe – “Sons of Midnight” could come out sooner rather than later, if the seven cool heroes in this concept poster have anything to do with it. have issue.

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