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Windows 11 Will Receive Video Processing Improvements

Windows 11: Last week, Microsoft confirmed that the new DirectX 12 APIs will provide improvements for video decoding, processing, and animation tasks. The novelty is native to Windows 11 and should improve the performance of applications and programs once properly deployed on the platform.

While the novelty is complicated to operate, Microsoft briefly explains that the styles, principles, and frames of reference established by DirectX 12 will be followed and managed by the new API. In other words, this means that programs and applications in Windows 11 will have full autonomy in factors such as the size of the decoded image buffer (DPB) – which affects the technical aspects of video rendering.

The new Windows 11 APIs will be able to use the graphics card’s capacity more efficiently, making video processing even faster than that in Windows 10. In this context, some popular codecs such as N264 and HEVC, which are used in editing programs such as Adobe Premiere, will also receive performance improvements.

Fortunately, the novelty will be compatible with most current graphics cards, including even the built-in processor units. More specifically, Nvidia GPUs from the GTX 1000 series, Quadro RTX or higher will have support for the update, while only the Radeon 5000 series will have compatibility, in the case of AMD.

When it comes to integrated video cards, in the case of Intel, the novelty should be limited to processors from the Tiger Lake family or higher. Likewise, for AMD, the Ryzen 2000 series and higher chips should receive the update.

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