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What Does the Yellow đź’› or Gold Heart Mean On Snapchat?

Who is not in love with Snapchat, but are you wondering about the Snapchat Yellow Heart? It makes it so easy for us to connect with our friends and best friends. But some doubts may pop up once in a while. What is the Snapchat yellow heart? Is it the same as Snapchat’s gold heart?

Apart from this, there’s always some struggle to find out how to get the red heart from the yellow heart on Snapchat. Well, we’ll clear everything out in this very article. So, stay tuned and read the full article.

Snapchat Yellow Heart đź’›

You get this one when you are #1 best friends with each other. You send the most snaps to this person, and they send the most snaps to you. To get this yellow heart on Snapchat, you have to be #1 best friend of each other.

Snapchat Yellow Heart Emoji

It is more or less a heart that is yellow in color. To get a better idea, check the picture below:

Yellow heart emoji snapchat
Yellow heart emoji of snapchat

What does 💛 Yellow or Gold Heart mean on Snapchat – Snapchat Yellow Heart Meaning?

đź’› Yellow Heart: Yellow heart basically means that you are best friends with this person on Snapchat. You both send the most snaps to each other. You now have to invest some more time (two weeks) and energy to achieve a red heart. The moment you start talking to anyone else or stay away from Snapchat for some time, someone else can also take over your Snapchat yellow heart with your best friend (or your crush).

Yellow heart: what does it mean – Explained?

The first level of heart emoji developed by Snapchat to represent the friendship level is Yellow Heart. For the record, this heart emoji implies “Besties”.

Most people find it easier to reach the yellow heart. And yes, compared to other levels of the heart, it is. But keep in mind that it takes work to achieve this level of friendship with someone.

So this is a big problem. You will also find that Snapchat has an algorithm that determines the best friends you have on the platform. You can even see this list when you log into the app.

Now I know you will be asking the question, “How can I save my smiley face with a yellow heart?”

Well friend, maintaining a yellow heart emoji takes work! Yes, I mean what I just said. You have to constantly click on the mentioned “best friend”. And I mean a yellow heart sitting next to their name.

Another good thing about being consistent and consistent with your best friend is that you can both take your friendship to the next level. When you reach the next level, I mean go higher, Snapchat will reward you with a different colored heart emoji.

So if you want to keep your yellow heart emoji, consider taking a pic of your best friend every now and then.

Another thing you should know about the yellow heart emoji is that you are not the only one who sees it. It will also be visible to your best friend with whom you are in constant communication.

Achieving this type of friendship status on Snapchat is worth celebrating. So I wouldn’t be surprised if you and your friend decided to meet physically to celebrate.

Red Heart: You both have been each other’s best friends on Snapchat for at least two weeks. Check out our more in-depth guide on the red heart here

đź’• Pink Hearts: Things are getting serious.

What is the meaning of Snapchat’s Yellow heart?

This is something special! Through Snapchat, you can only get one yellow heart at a time with one very special person. Your Snapchat best friend! If you have your BFF as number 1 only, then you are going to achieve this. You both have to be number one on each other’s list and if you go on for two weeks your yellow heart will turn red!

Put simply, that emoji next to the contact is the person you click the most and you the most (# 1 best friend). Number 1 BF Yellow heart turns red after two weeks.

Can you change the yellow or red heart emoji? Or Can you Change Snapchat Emojis?

If you want to change your Snapchat emojis, Follow these steps:

Step 1: First you need to click on your profile in the top left corner, then the settings icon in the top right corner.

Step 2: After that go and scroll down to “Additional Services”

Step 3: Now just press “Manage”, and click on “Friends Emojis”

Step 4: From there you can change the snapchat emoji to your liking

Why is my yellow heart not turning red from yellow?

To turn your yellow heart into a red one on Snapchat, you need to make sure that you and your friend have been each other’s #1 Best Friends for 2 weeks consecutively.

Snapchat Yellow Heart not turning Red
How to fix Snapchat Yellow Heart not turning Red

To make your yellow heart turn red, you need to be each other #1 BFs (Best Friends) for 2 weeks in a row. Only then you can get the yellow heart to turn to red. If you have completed these 2 weeks, and you are still not able to get the red heart, then you should contact Snapchat support for a faster resolution.

Can you have more than one Yellow heart on Snapchat?

No, it is not possible to have more than one yellow heart on Snapchat. You can only get it with one person, and that is also when you are each other’s #1 best friend.


I hope I could clear all your doubts regarding snapchat yellow heart and the snapchat yellow heart emoji. If you have any more doubts, feel free to comment them down below.

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