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Three cancer red flags you can spot when you wake up according to pharmacist

A pharmacist has warned there are cancer red flags you may spot first thing in the morning that you should never ignore.

The key to the best outcome for many types of cancer is spotting the symptoms early and getting medical help.

According to Abbas Kanani, pharmacist at Chemist Clicksome of the signs can be spotted when you wake up – and you should take action.

Mr Kanani says waking up with a sore throat that is “persistent” and has been there for over two weeks with no signs of improving is a telltale sign, reports The Express.

He said you should also watch for a cough, adding: “Smokers often wake up with a cough in the morning. However, a persistent cough for longer than two weeks should be checked out. Especially if you smoke.”

Another telltale sign that may strike in the morning is fatigue.

Mr Kanani said: “It’s normal to feel a little tired in the morning, but if this is not usual for you, or you are noticing fatigue lasting throughout the day, you should get this checked out.

“If you wake up in the morning and the bed is wet or damp from sweat, this indicates that you could have been experiencing night sweats,” Mr Kanani explained.

“Get this checked out with your GP, especially if night sweats are accompanied by fatigue, weight loss or bruising.”

General symptoms of cancer include:

  • Unusual lump or swelling anywhere
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Changes when you go to the toilet.

Cancer Research and the NHS advise stopping smoking and reducing alcohol consumption to reduce your risk of cancer.

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